Support Building The Lucas Cultural Arts Museum in San Francisco


Bay Area resident, filmmaker and philanthropist George Lucas has proposed to build and endow the Lucas Cultural Arts Museum to house and publicly display his renowned collection of American storytelling art, which includes illustrative art, cinematic art and design, and digital art.

We encourage you to sign a petition @ urging city leaders to allow construction of the museum in San Francisco where it belongs.

More about The Lucas Cultural Arts Museum

Illustrative and digital art, along with cinema and animation, are popular media that can touch the hearts and souls of people of all ages. These works often remind us of the dreams and fantasies of childhood and summon memories of those special moments when, through bedtime stories, the "funnypages," and later movies that struck an emotional chord, we came to understand values that would guide us throughout our lives.

Illustrations, comics, and cinematic art in the Lucas collection also touch on topical issues and can help us find meaning in confusing or random situations. Whether it is Alice in Wonderland, Alfred E. Newman, or Darth Vader, these are images that symbolize universal truths-goodness, irreverence, evil-that transcend time and national boundaries.

The Lucas Cultural Arts Museum will bring together the most compelling aspects of creativity, scholarship, and state-of-the-art thinking about the role of the visual arts within the larger culture. It will be a museum of objects, but even more it will be a museum of experience, and of the visual stories that have captured the American imagination for more than a century. It is a ground-breaking initiative that will provide the paradigm for museums in the 21st century.

Be sure to visit their official site.