Rogue 19's Bio

Chris Gaw
Rogue 19

  • Name- Chris Gaw
  • E-mail-
  • Content Area- Computer Science
  • Location- NC   USA
  • Current School- Green Hope High School
  • Grade Level- High School
  • Teaching Since- 2002
  • Twitter- @jedigaw
  • Website-


Life is Star Wars. All that we really ever needed to know is embedded in this story line. Conflict, resolution, searching, adventure etc. In my classroom, casually referred to as "The Cargo Hold", we hold true to the values that Star Wars has instilled in us. We operate with this in mind. Projects are usually aligned to one movie or another, quotes are usually tossed around for inspiration, and in general, and most importantly, I use it as a teaching tool because it is a universal language. My students and I can relate to the stories and that's one of ways I build relationships, making my teaching easier for them to understand. May the force be with us all.

How I Use Star Wars in the Classroom

Emphasis on Star Wars as a learning tool to enhance a coding experience. Also, directly relate story lines to teaching and student learning.

Available Resources

**All information shared with permission.